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Can diabetes cause blindness in cats?

Diabetes can have serious implications for your cat's quality of life. In this post, our Killen vets share whether cat diabetes can cause blindness, the different types that may occur and how this condition can be prevented.

Are cat diabetes and blindness connected?

Some conditions, like diabetes, can lead to unexpected secondary conditions and diseases, such as muscle weakening and vision loss. In these cases, quick diagnosis and management of the initial condition can help prevent these complications from developing and worsening.

What is diabetes in cats?

Diabetes mellitus (also referred to as diabetes) is a condition that cats can develop when blood sugar, or glucose, cannot be effectively utilized and regulated by the body.

Insulin is produced in the pancreas and controls the flow of glucose to the body's cells to provide energy. If your cat's insulin levels are too low, glucose cannot reach the cells as it should. When this happens, the cat's body begins breaking down fat and protein cells to use for energy while the unused glucose gradually builds up in the cat's bloodstream.

Type I and Type II Diabetes in Cats

  • Type I (Insulin-Dependent) - While rare in cats, Type I Diabetes occurs when the cat's body is unable to produce or release enough insulin into the body.
  • Type II (Non-Insulin Dependent) - Type II Diabetes is most common in overweight male cats over eight years of age and cats who eat a high-carbohydrate diet. A cat with Type II diabetes produces enough insulin, but the tissues or organs do not respond appropriately to insulin and have become insulin-resistant. 

Can cat diabetes cause blindness?

When affected by diabetes, the first signs are commonly weight loss along with excessive thirst and urination. It can become more advanced if not addressed quickly, causing physical changes such as sunken, bloodshot eyes, difficulties standing and walking, and blindness.

This blindness results from the weakening of the blood vessels caused by high glucose levels in the blood, a condition known as diabetic retinopathy.

When the blood vessels weaken, the blood and fluids can leak into the retina, causing vision loss.

How to Prevent Blindness Caused by Diabetes

An official diagnosis from your cat's vet is the first step in the process. Your vet will then prescribe daily management of the condition with insulin injections (which your vet may train you to give at home). You may also need to change your cat's diet to ensure they’re getting the right combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. In more severe cases, your vet may recommend a special prescription food to help manage your cat's diabetes.

If your cat is diagnosed with diabetes, regular visits to the vet for blood sugar tests will be essential. If you prefer, ask your vet if testing your cat’s glucose at home is an option. You may also find it helpful to keep a diary of your cat's appetite and litter use so that any changes are spotted early and checked out.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

If your cat shows signs of diabetes, contact our veterinary clinic today to schedule an examination with one of our Killen vets. 

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